Warso Farm Bogor
Alamat lokasinya di Desa Cihideung, Kec. Cipelang, Kab. Bogor, sebuah Kebun Durian Warso ini pertama kalinya dirintis oleh seorang pensiunan dari TNI AD bernama Soewarso Pawaka. Disini tidak tersedia tiket untuk masuk ke dalam Kebun Durian Warso, namun para pengunjung juga tidak boleh memetik buah apa pun, terkecuali jika Anda datang waktu musim panen durian, biasanya pada bulan Desember s/d Mei, dan puncaknya pada bulan Januari s/d Maret.
Kurang lebih sekitar setengah dari luas keseluruhan Kebun Durian Warso seluas 8,5 ha ini ditanami bermacam jenis pohon durian yang jumlahnya sekitar 900 pohon dan terdiri dari 19 jenis dan 7 varietas unggul, yaitu Monthong, Lay, Petruk, Sunan, Si Mas, Tembaga. Dan lahan yang tersisa ditanami dengan pohon buah Naga, pohon nangka, buah jambu monyet, dan juga terdapat persawahan. Menurut berita di tempat wisata ini juga terdapat permainan paint ball, area tempat pemancingan, dan sebuah balai pertemuan yang mampu menampung hingga 90 orang.
Kebun Durian Warso juga menyediakan tempat khusus untuk para pengunjung yang ingin membeli buah, dan juga es durian atau jus durian, yang bisa langsung dimakan di tempat atau untuk dibawa pulang. Harga durian monthong biasanya akan dihitung per kilonya, sedangkan untuk durian lokal akan dihargai per buahnya. Ada baiknya jika Anda menelpon terlebih dahulu sebelum datang berkunjung, untuk memastikan ada atau tidaknya buah yang ingin anda cari di sana. Kebun Durian Warso ini dibuka setiap hari, sedangkan untuk tur ke dalam kebun hanya dibuka pada hari Sabtu, Minggu, serta hari libur nasional, pada pukul 07.00 - 17.00.
Lokasi Warso Farm : Desa Cihideung, Kec. Cipelang, Bogor
No Telephone : (0251-211344, 211343), (0813 1063 0041)
Akses menuju Warso Farm
- Melewati jalan tol Jagorawi, keluar tol Ciawi, lanjut jalan ke Sukabumi.
- Di pertigaan Caringin belok ke kanan.
- Sampai mentok pertigaan belok kanan lagi, ada sebuah tugu Durian besar.
Cihideung address location in the village, district. Cipelang, Kab. Bogor, a garden Warso Durian is the first time initiated by a retired from the Army named Soewarso Pawaka. Here is not available ticket for admission to the Gardens Durian Warso, but the visitors also may not reap any fruit, except if you come when the harvest durian, usually in December s / d in May, and the peak in January s / d in March ,
Approximately half of the total area Durian Warso Gardens area of 8.5 ha is planted with various species of trees which number around 900 durian trees and consists of 19 species and 7 varieties, namely Monthong, Lay, Petruk, Sunan, Si Mas, Copper. And the remaining land is planted with trees dragon fruit, jackfruit, cashew fruit, and there is also a rice field. According to the news in the tourist attractions also include paint ball games, fishing area, and a meeting hall that can accommodate up to 90 people.
Durian Warso gardens also provide a special place for visitors who want to buy fruit, and also ice durian or durian juice, which can be eaten on the spot or to take home. Monthong durian price will usually be calculated per kilo, while the local durian would be appreciated by its fruit. It is better if you call before coming for a visit, to ascertain whether or not the fruit you want to search there. Durian Warso garden is open every day, while for the tour to the gardens only open on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, in at 07.00 - 17.00.
Location Warso Farm: Cihideung village, district. Cipelang, Bogor
No Telephone: (0251-211344, 211 343), (0813 1063 0041)
Approximately half of the total area Durian Warso Gardens area of 8.5 ha is planted with various species of trees which number around 900 durian trees and consists of 19 species and 7 varieties, namely Monthong, Lay, Petruk, Sunan, Si Mas, Copper. And the remaining land is planted with trees dragon fruit, jackfruit, cashew fruit, and there is also a rice field. According to the news in the tourist attractions also include paint ball games, fishing area, and a meeting hall that can accommodate up to 90 people.
Durian Warso gardens also provide a special place for visitors who want to buy fruit, and also ice durian or durian juice, which can be eaten on the spot or to take home. Monthong durian price will usually be calculated per kilo, while the local durian would be appreciated by its fruit. It is better if you call before coming for a visit, to ascertain whether or not the fruit you want to search there. Durian Warso garden is open every day, while for the tour to the gardens only open on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, in at 07.00 - 17.00.
Location Warso Farm: Cihideung village, district. Cipelang, Bogor
No Telephone: (0251-211344, 211 343), (0813 1063 0041)
Access to Warso Farm
- Jagorawi pass through toll roads, toll exit Ciawi, up the road to Sukabumi.
- Caringin at the T-junction turn right.
- Stuck until the T-junction turn right again, there is a big Durian monument.
Video Warso Farm Bogor :
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