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Tips and Trick Auto Chess Combo Glacier & Knight

Race Glacier is one race that is very feared in the game Auto Chess. This is because the synergy combo that can produce buff attack speed hero in the Auto Chess game is getting faster.

The most popular combo race juxtaposed with race Glacier is Combo Class Knight. Combo Class Knight has the ability to ward off damage done by enemies. This way in the late game Combo Glacier & Knight is very scary!.

Chess Combo Glacier & Knight

How to Play Combo Glacier & Knight

In early game the first thing the player does is to look for a Glacier hero race with a price of 1 or 2 gold such as Defector, Frost Knight, and Desperate Doctor. The player can then raise the hero level to Star 2 and keep the rest in the spare bench. Then the player must find a hero from the Knight class like Hell Knight or Lightblade Knight.

Entering Mid Game after round 20 and above players with build Combo Glacier & Knight will not be difficult to collect heroes like in the early game. This is because players usually already have 2 hero tanks from the Knight class, namely Evil Knight and Argali Knight. If the two heroes have been upgraded to a 2 star. Furthermore, the player only needs to prepare the formation for late game .

In Late game is a critical situation for players with the Combo Glacier & Knight build. Players must be able to get Berseker and Dragon Knight to perfect their Combo Glacier & Knight. Players can use a combo of 4 Glaciers and 6 Knights with the following heroes: Defector, Frost Knight, Desperate Doctor, Berseker, Lightblade Knight, Hell Knight, Evil Knight, Argali Knight, and Dragon Knight. A hero with a gold price of 3 and above 2 stars will suffice, but for a hero with a price of 2 and below it must be upgraded to a 3 star

Alternative Combos

In addition to being a combo build 4 Glacier & 6 Knight synergy backup combos that players can use are 4 Glaciers, 4 Knights, 3 Warriors, and 2 Humans. The combo strategy is to reduce the two Knight heroes and add 2 Warrior heroes such as Werewolf and Pirates Captain. The two heroes from the race Human and class Warrior can help players silence enemy enemies and add armor thanks to the Combo Class Warrior.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Combo Glacier & Knight

The weakness of this Combo Glacier & Knight build is the Combo Devinity & Mage. That is because Combo Devinity & Mage can issue hero abilities quickly and continuously. coupled with the skill area of the combo, the Knight heroes will die quickly. As for the strength of combo Glacier & Knight, it is evenly distributed for all other combos except against combo Devinity & Mage.

Although it relies heavily on luck by waiting to get the heroes to Berseker. But the wait will pay off if the Berseker hero is obtained. Plus if it has become a 2 star and even a 3 star. By installing damage enhancing items to Berseker, no enemy hero can kill Berseker!


That’s the Combo Glacier & Knight tips & tricks in the Auto Chess game. Don’t forget to subscribe FajarYusuf.Com so that you don’t miss the updated mobile game information and tips and tricks like this!


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