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Tips And Trick For Using KOF Allstar Battle Cards

When it is Rank 15, King of Fighters / KOF Allstar players will be able to start using Battle Cards, also known as Rune / Equipment to strengthen the player’s hero character in other games.

What is the KOF Allstar Battle Card?

KOF Allstar Battle Card

Battle Cards are equipment that players can use for characters to make them stronger. There are 7 Battle Card slots that the player can fill and each has a different function.

Types of Battle Cards

Type Effect
Special Open Special Skill when equipped with the specified character.
SetComplete 3 cards from the same set to unlock the skill set
Option Increase character Stats
Material Level up or Evolve Battle Card

Battle Card Type Special

Battle Card Special Type kof allstar

Battle Card Special allows characters to use their Special Skills when equipped with the correct Character. This Special Card has a Purple sign on the top left of the card. This card is the most difficult to obtain because it is only available on the rarity card ☆5.

Battle Card Type Set

Battle Card Type Set kof allstar

Set Cards are marked with a yellow mark on the top left of the card. Besides giving an increase in character stats, this card will also open a special Set Bonus when the player can complete 3 different Set Cards from the same class. For an example, please consider the lower right icon:

kof allstar battle card set

Battle Card Type Option

Kof Allstar battle card option

Option cards will increase character stats and provide Option skills for characters. This card is marked with a green sign on the top left.

Rarity level Number of Option Skills
☆ 1 0
☆ 2 0
☆ 3 1
☆ 4 2
☆ 5 2/3

Option cards range from rarity level ☆1 until ☆5. Players can increase statistics on Option Skills by raising the card level. Cards with 3 Options are usually special. Evolve option cards will not add additional Option skills.

Battle Card Type Material

Battle Card Type Material

Material cards are marked by a gray sign on the top left. Material cards are used to raise the card level or evolve to the next star level.

The card that will be evolved must be a card that is max level from the existing card. After evolving, the card will rise 1 star rarity and become level 1 again.

Leveling Skill Options

Option skills can be increased by certain probabilities. Feeds with the same card a 100% success rate for Option Skill leveling.

The chart below is an increase in Option Skill from Rarity Card ☆5, with a success rate of 100%. For example, to increase the Option Skill from a Set Card, the Player must feed a Set Rarity ☆4 card with an Lv3 Option Skill or a Rarity Option card 4 with an Lv4 Option Skill.

Level Same Card Types Different Card Types
Lv1 → 2 ☆ 4 (Slv3) × 1 ☆ 4 (Slv4) × 1
Lv2 → 3 ☆ 4 (Slv4) × 1 ☆ 4 (Slv5) × 1
Lv3 → 4 ☆ 4 (Slv5) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv6) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1) × 1
Lv4 → 5 ☆ 4 (Slv7) × 1 ☆ 4 (Slv8) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1) × 1
Lv5 → 6 ☆ 4 (Slv9) × 1
☆ 2 × 1
☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv1) × 1
Lv6 → 7 ☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv2) × 1
☆ 1 × 1
☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv4) × 1
Lv7 → 8 ☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv6) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv9) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1)
Lv8 → 9 ☆ 4 (Slv10) × 2
☆ 4 (Slv1) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1) × 2
☆ 4 (Slv10) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv9) × 1
☆ 3 (Slv1)
Lv9 → 10 ☆ 4 (Slv10) × 2
☆ 4 (Slv9) × 1
☆ 4 (Slv10) × 3
☆ 4 (Slv4) × 1
Feed Card Success rate
5* cards with the same copy x 1 100%
5* cards of the same type x 1 100% (will decrease because the level is getting higher)
5* cards with a different type x 1 83.30%
4* cards of the same type x 3 88.50%
4* cards with a different type x 3 73.80%
4* same level lv3 skill card x 1 100%
4* different type lv3 skill card x 1 86.70%


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