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Tips for Smoothly Playing Genshin Impact on Potato Handphone

Genshin Impact is the latest game from Mihoyo (developer of Honkai Impact 3rd) which brings Action RPG and open-world action elements to the game. The game has been officially released. Have you tried playing it? or your handphone is a potato to play Genshin Impact? So you are looking for a way so you can play the game on your potato handphone?

Of course, not all players can play the game. There are various kinds of obstacles, especially on the issue of inadequate specifications which is the biggest barrier for potato handphone users to play Genshin Impact. Because, the graphics offered in the Genshin Impact game are really above the average mobile game in general. Therefore, players whose cellphones are not qualified, must experience poor performance when playing them.

In this article, fajaryusufdotcom will share some tips & tricks, so that those of you who have a potato cellphone or just barely enough, so that they can run smoothly when playing Genshin Impact, here’s how:

fajaryusuf Genshin Impact hp Handphone Kentang potatoe a

Low Graphic Settings

This is a classic way to play any heavy game. In the Genshin Impact graphic settings, you can select the low setting. Various effects up to resolution and textures will have low quality to increase framerate. This setting is not appealing and you can adjust it at will depending on your playing comfort. The KotGa crew is quite appreciative of the detailed Genshin Impact graphic settings presented on this mobile device.

Developer Option Force 4x MSAA settings

If you are an Android user, you must understand what the Developer option is and how to bring it up. When you have successfully opened it, fajaryusufdotcom recommends that you look for the Force 4x MSAA option. If so, you can restart your smartphone and play the game as usual. It should be noted, if you turn on this option, your smartphone battery will drain faster because the GPU performance will be louder than usual.

Battery Above 20 Percent

In general, the latest Android operating system features a power saving mode, where when the battery is 20 percent below the hardware capacity will be limited to save battery. So, don’t force playing games when the battery is low.

Use Game Booster

To stop background apps and save ram usage. Using a game booster on Android will also temporarily turn off annoying notifications. Game Booster is also able to focus the internet on the game being played.

Use a Custom ROM

One effective way to customize Android so that it plays games more smoothly is by using a Custom ROM. ROM on Android usually contains the operating system and some additional features provided by vendors, but unfortunately not all of these features are used by Android users which actually makes Android’s performance even lower. By using a Custom ROM which is mostly based on AOSP or original Android, it can improve Android performance and eliminate sharing of features to unnecessary applications.

It’s just that this method can only be done by players who already understand how to boot and flash Android and it is not recommended for lay players, because it will impact several risks starting from softbrick (bootloop) or hardbrick (totally dead).

Download: Genshin Impact


Overcoming Your Device Incompatible With Genshin Impact Download

For those of you who experience a case of not being able to install Genshin Impact on Google Playstore and it says your device is not compatible with this version, here I will provide a solution.

For those of you who can’t download on the Playstore, there are many alternatives so you can still download and install this Genshin Impact game. So, you can download Genshin Impact via Taptap and install the game as usual.

Apart from the Taptap application, you can also get APK + OBB of this game on Qooapp and Apkpure easily and for free. What are you waiting for, try it yourself and play this cool game.


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