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Mistakes That Novice LoL Wild Rift Players Shouldn't Make

Finally, Riot decided to release the Mobile Version of the MOBA League of Legends game with the title Wild Rift, and many players started trying to play this League of Legends: Wild Rift game. The specifications are not too high and the gameplay is similar to the PC version, making players interested in this mobile MOBA game. However, like playing other Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games. Sometimes some players make mistakes they shouldn’t. In this article, fajaryusufdotcom will discuss the mistakes that novice players often make when playing League of Legends: Wild Rift and shouldn’t be done.

Wrong Lane Position

Never get wrong to fill Lane’s position. Even though the Map in League of Legends: Wild Rift is Mirroring. However, there are lane instructions that usually appear when players are playing as beginners. This error often occurs. In fact, some players insisted on filling the Midlane with two players. Try to first complete the tutorial. If there are players who have filled the lane, pick another hero who has duties on another lane. Every element will work together in this MOBA game.

Carry Using Spell Smite

Often encountered in League of Legends: Wild Rift, players who should be positioned as Attack Damage Carry (ADC) such as Ashe, Jinx, and Ezreal but instead use Spell Smite. Please note, Spell Smite is a special spell for Role Jungler. So the Carry hero or other heroes besides the Jungler hero don’t need Smite. Choose another Spell and don’t disturb the Jungler hero in doing his job. Beginner's mistake wild rift mistake beginner a

Not Using Ward

The Ward system, which is used to open the vision, is very crucial in the MAP game League of Legends: Wild Rift. Here the player can estimate the enemy moving with the presence of small objects that are usually used in bushes. There are two types of wards here, the first is placed anywhere and the second is a scanner called Oracle. Don’t ever forget to put this little thing around. Especially if the Lane Solo players are like Baron Lane and Midlane. The presence of the Ward will help increase Map Awareness.

Hero Support Doing Last Hit

The thing that shouldn’t be done in League of Legends: Wild Rift is not to do Last Hit while being Support. There is a special rune support that makes players get more Gold. In League of Legends: Wild Rift, the acquisition of Gold is very influential for the Carry. Not only that, if Carry gets the item first and Jungle gets their level in the Early Game. The team will more easily beat Dragon to get buffs.

Forgotten with Objectives

The thing that players shouldn’t do in League of Legends: Wild Rift is to forget about the objectives. Various objectives are available in this mobile game. Starting from the Dragon, Baron, Rift Herald, and Turret. Get used to aiming for objectives once the enemy has lost and don’t aim for continuous kills. Remember, games like this require players to destroy the Nexus at the base.

Don’t Push

When the enemy wipe out. The best step is to push first on the lane so that the Minions advance towards the enemy tower. After that, players could continue with Dragon’s Objective and Baron Nashor’s Objective. Don’t after the enemy Wipe Out, the player will go back to farming and forget about everything.

That’s a mistakes that novice LoL Wild Rift players often make.


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