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Ways To Restore a Lost, Banned, or Hacked Garena Free Fire Account

Is your Free Fire mobile battle royale game account lost, banned, or hacked? Don’t worry, because there are ways to restore your account. Who doesn’t panic if you can’t log into your Free Fire (FF) account? Even though you have entered your username and password correctly. The number of players who can’t log into their accounts is not without reason.

Failed to log in is often experienced by players, because their account is banned or suspended, or someone is hacked or lost. The causes also vary, ironically a lot of players don’t know how to solve this problem.

Then, how about you? Do you know how to return a Free Fire (FF) account that is lost, banned, or hacked? If not, please see the article on how to restore a Free Fire (FF) account below. akun account free Fire hacked banned lost

How to Overcome a Lost Free Fire Guest Account

The way to restore the Free Fire Guest account is very easy as long as the cellphone you used to install is still there. Here are the steps:

  • Open the File Manager application.
  • Click File Local.
  • Next look for a folder called “com.garena.mdsk”.
  • Select the guest login record in this folder. To find it, look for the words “guestxxxx.dat”.
  • Copy the file to another folder for security.
  • Done, you can log back into the lost Guest Free Fire account.

How to Overcome a Banned Free Fire Account

There are many reasons why Free Fire accounts are banned, usually accounts are banned because players are suspected of using things related to the use of cheats or third party applications. If you experience this, then there’s no need to worry. Because there are still ways to reactivate your account. Here are the steps:

  • Make sure you still have a Free Fire folder called “com.garena.mdsk”.
  • After making sure the folder is still there, download two applications that will help restore your account, namely IMEI Changer and Magisk Manager.
  • After downloading and installing, open the Magisk Manager application and click the “Install Xposed Module” and “Framework SDK 27” buttons.
  • Then restart and reboot.
  • After the restart process is complete, rename the folder “obb”, you just need to add any one letter.
  • Clean all Free Fire caches then uninstall the Free Fire game.
  • Go back to “Module Xposed” and use “IMEI Changer”. Change the IMEI number of your cellphone that is suspended by Garena.
  • After you have a new IMEI number, restart the device.
  • Change the name of the “obb” folder that you changed earlier by deleting the letters you added earlier.
  • Download and reinstall Free Fire (FF).

How to Overcome a Hacked Free Fire Account

The first thing players usually feel when a Free Fire (FF) account is hacked is that it is difficult to log into the account, even though the player has entered the correct username and password. If you experience something like this, here’s how to restore it:

  • Visit the Garena website click HERE
  • Look for the “My Account” menu then click “Forgot Password”.
  • There will be 2 options that you can choose, namely restoring your account via username or email and via your mobile number.
  • Make sure the email or cellphone number that you registered when creating your Free Fire account is still active.
  • A verification code will be sent to your email or mobile number according to the option you chose in the previous step.
  • Next, follow every step listed on the cellphone screen and make sure you enter your personal data correctly.
  • Then create a new password.
  • Login to your account with the new password.


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