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Secret Achievement in Genshin Impact version 1.3, Free Primogems!

Game Action-RPG Genshin Impact was recently just an update patch version 1.3 on February 3, 2021 yesterday. And in the version 1.3 update, there is Secret Achievement to be able to get Free Primogems at Genshin Impact!

Lots of new content, characters, and weapons were released in this update. But that’s not all because there are several new achievements that players can get. This new achievement certainly provides players with free primogems that can be used for gacha. secret Achievement Genshin Impact 1.3

Here are the new Achievements that players can get in Genshin Impact version 1.3:


Players only need a Tanky character to withstand all the damage from Electro Hypostasis when removing the Rock-Paper-Scissors skill.


Players must go to the Thousands Wind Temple area and from there to the Southeast (blue area).

Kill the Cryo Abyss Mage, then go Southeast in the direction of Domain. The player will encounter two red Hilicurls. Make them chase you down to the blue area earlier.

None Stand Secure

Player must face Geo Hypostasis. Players must fight it using the Bow (Archer) or Catalyst (Mage) character. Because you have to make Geo Hypostatic enter revival mode without destroying any of his Pillars.

Back with the Wind

This is quite easy because players only need to collect 10 elemental orbs when fighting against Anemo Hypostatis.

This orb will appear after the Boss issues a tornado skill. But here it should be noted that One round of tornado skills does not issue 10 orbs so players have to wait twice.

A House-III Founded

Player must destroy 3 pillars on which there is Geo Hypostatic. Not a pillar that is not Geo Hypostatic. To make it easier to use Claymore armed characters, like Noelle, Razor and others.


For this it is recommended to bring the character Pyro (Klee is not the main requirement). Break the weakness points of Cryo Regisvine, and wait for it to rise.

Then when Cryo Regisvine uses a laser, remove all of Pyro’s elemental skills on his head which are his weak points.

Core Meltdown

The player must destroy the seeds that the Pyro Regisvine spits out. Barbara is perfect for this achievement.

Till Debt Do Us Part

Kill the Pyro Fatui Agent when he disappears. Players can use elemental skills to know where the agent is.

Melting Away

Attack Cryo Cicin Mage from afar until the blood is low. Don’t kill him immediately but wait for Cryo Cicin Mage to summon his flying monster. This creature will make a shield on Cryo Cicin Mage.

The combination of Pyro and Electron is recommended so that players can quickly destroy shields. Don’t kill the flying monsters.

And You Call Yourself One of the Four Winds

Find an Anemoboxer (one may be at the Tianqiu Valley Waypoint). Use four elemental attacks when the shield appears. After that the player had to kill him to get the achievement.

You Can Have Those Back

Use Geo shield (Noelle) when Primo Geovhisap boss will use shower attacks. Players can see on the screen if there is an attack.

Touch and Go

Activate shield (use Diona, Noelle, Zhongli, Beidou, Xinyan) when Geovhisap turns red.

Transmutation Nuclide

Players will get this the first time they use Parametric Transformer.

Gears of Destiny

Can players get it after completing quests related to Dainsleif.


That’s the secret achievement in Genshin Impact version 1.3. for which there are 13 achievement worth 5 primogems each, players can get 65 additional primogems for free.


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