Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 7 is all about alien invasion. The latest update to the battle-royale game continues the theme by introducing a very unique Inflate-A-Bull item. Because aliens like to kidnap cows and so on.
What is Inflate-A-Bull in Fortnite?
The Inflate-A-Bull is a cow bubble-like suit item. Inflating or wrapping the player upon activation, this setting of this item allows the player to walk and roll around the map playfully. Players can use it to escape from a gunfight or to land safely after falling from a great height. But it must be ensured to avoid fire if possible.
Where to Find Inflate-A-Bull in Fortnite
The quickest way to get Inflate-A-Bull is to visit Rick Sanchez. This popular NPC is placed on the top floor of the IO base just east of Weeping Woods. For 25 Gold Bars, Rick Sanchez will sell the Inflate-A-Bull item. Players need to be quick, as Rick Sanchez only has one Inflate-A-Bull per 1 game, IO base is currently a highly contested area. Be sure to look around before running into Rick.
If players miss the chance to get Rick’s Inflate-A-Bull, this item can also be found in one of the many chests scattered on the island.
How to Use Inflate-A-Bull
After getting this item, Inflate-A-Bull will take the inventory slot and replace Backbling. To activate it, players only need to press the jump button twice or press jump when falling. To disable it, press the use button or try to attack with a weapon.
Inflate-A-Bull has a cooldown timer. The amount of time it takes to cool down depends on how quickly the player deactivates it and whether it triggers enemy fire or not. Pay attention to this when bouncing back and forth, as the item will become an unreliable bull during a shootout.
Fortnite Chapter 2, Seoson 7 has been a blast this time. There is never a dull moment.
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