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Here's the Alien Week 7 Artifacts Location Guide on the Fortnite Map

The new Week 7 has kicked off in the battle-royale game Fortnite, Chapter 2, Season 7, which means there will be even more Alien Artifacts to collect. If you want to know the location of these hard-to-find items before they disappear, you only need to see the practical guide of below.

The Fortnite Alien Artifact is a floating tube that once acquired, allows players to customize the new Kymera Battle Pass Skin. Here we’re talking about new skin colors, eyes, mouths, and more. Some artifacts spawn in different places on the island once a week.

Only one player could retrieve each match artifact. At least, that’s what happened in the previous weeks, if an artifact is lost, players have to do a new match in order to reappear. Because of this, each location is usually highly contested.

This Week 7 adds five more artifacts to the Fortnite map. They can be found floating above rivers, hiding in bathrooms, out in the open, or tucked away in watchtowers. All the player has to do is touch the artifact to collect it. The trick is knowing where to look.

location week 7 fortnite . location artifact artifact
  • Artifact 1 – located southeast of Craggy Cliffs and west of Steamy Stacks
  • Artifact 2 – located on the south side of Stealthy Stronghold
  • Artifact 3 – located on the bridge to the northeast of Lazy Lake
  • Artifact 4 – located southeast of Slurpy Swamp
  • Artifact 5 – located on an island south of Catty Corner

Artifact 1

This artifact can be found in the IO Base which is located right between Craggy Cliffs and Steamy Stacks. The artifact will be on the main floor in front of the large IO workstation, next to the stairs.

Artifact 2

The next artifact is located on the south side of Stealthy Stronghold. Go through the south entrance and turn left, up the hill towards the top of the road. Grab some resources to build some stairs to reach the watchtower where the artifacts appear.

Artifact 3

The third artifact is located northeast of Lazy Lake. Follow the river up to the bridge with the building on it. The artifact will float under the bridge (right under the boat). You have to jump off bridges or build platforms to reach them.

Artifact 4

The fourth artifact can be found southeast of the Slurpy Swamp. Go to the edge of the map until you reach the IO Base there. Go inside and go up to the second floor bathroom. The artifact will hide in the far right stall.

Artifact 5

The last artifact is located on a small island, south of Catty Corner. On the easternmost side is a small building with a missing wall and a shooting practice target. Go inside and go up to the second floor. The artifact will float on top of one of the steel beams.

Source: IGN


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