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How to Complete World Quest: Fertilizer Salesperson In Genshin Impact

With the release of patch version 2.1 in the action-RPG game Genshin ImpactmiHoYo as a developer now presents various new World Quests for players to complete. With the release of a new character, Sangonomiya Kokomi, and the Kokomi story quest on September 21, players now have access to the World Quest.

In this article, Fajaryusufdotcom will provide tips on how to open and complete a World Quest entitled Fertilizer Salesperson, here is an explanation!

Tips on How to Unlock World Quest: Fertilizer Salesperson

To unlock the Fertilizer Salesperson quest, players must complete the World Quest entitled In Another Land and must complete the first part of the Kokomi Dracaena Somnolenta Champer Act 1: Warriors’ Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing story quest first. After the player completes the mission, the player can port to Bourou Village on Watatsumi Island and talk to Iwata.

Tips on How to Complete the World Quest Fertilizer Salesperson

In order to complete the dialogue- heavy World Quest: Fertilizer Salesperson, players must help Iwata find the perfect fertilizer to grow her crops. Iwata was unable to travel to Ritou and therefore asked the players to bring the fertilizer needed to grow more crops in the village.

Iwata describes a salesman who hails from Sumeru and makes fertilizer that has mystical powers due to his ability to grow plants that produce tons of fruit.

The character who will help the player in this mission is Vahid. Unable to make his own fertilizer, Iwata enlists the help of travelers by overseeing the entire process. All players have to do is change the time using the in-game clock and set it to the next morning.

After doing so, players will find that Iwata is being attacked by a group of Electro Slimes and Cryos. Defeat the Slimes to start your relationship with Iwata, and find out about the progress made regarding fertilizers.

Fertilizer Salesperson Genshin Impact

  1. Talk to Iwata
  2. Come back the next day, and talk to Iwata (adjust the in-game time)
  3. Defeat the Slimes surrounding Iwata
  4. Talk to Iwata
  5. Accompanying Gorou in his investigation
  6. Go to Kaushik, which is located under Mouun Temple (south side), under a tree.
  7. Back to Gorou with Kaushik
  8. Go to Iwata, which is above Bourou Village to complete the quest

World Quest Reward: Fertilizer Salesperson

After the player completes the quest, the player will get various prizes, with the following details:

  • 100x Adventure EXP
  • 20 thousand Mora
  • 5x Hero’s Wit
  • 20x Inazuma Reputation Level


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