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Liste des jeux Nintendo Switch et 3DS à la vente Capcom 2022 Golden Week

La vente Golden Week de Capcom 2022 démarre maintenant sur le Nintendo eShop, où vous avez vu 25 jeux Nintendo Switch en vente, ainsi que 11 jeux Nintendo 3DS. à prix réduit, il y a aussi du contenu qui peut être téléchargé avec une remise temporaire.

Cette vente de la Golden Week se termine à 23h59 PT le dimanche 15 mai 2022, et la sélection de jeux de la vente Nintendo eShop comprend une excellente opportunité d’économiser sur les achats de leurs jeux populaires, tels que Monster Hunter Rise, Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection, Okami HD et Dragon’s Dogma : Dark Arisen.

Liste des jeux de vente de la semaine d’or Nintendo Switch :

  • Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection – $39.59, normally $59.99
  • Capcom Arcade Stadium: Ghosts ‘n Goblins – $0.99, normally $1.99
  • Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 1: Dawn of the Arcade (’84 – ’88) – $11.99, normally $14.99
  • Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 2: Arcade Revolution (’89 – ’92) – $11.99, normally $14.99
  • Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 3: Arcade Evolution (’92 – ’01) – $11.99, normally $14.99
  • Capcom Arcade Stadium Packs 1, 2 and 3 – $29.99, normally $39.99
  • Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle – $9.99, normally $19.99
  • Devil May Cry – $9.99, normally $19.99
  • Devil May Cry 2 – $9.99, normally $19.99
  • Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition – $11.99, normally $19.99
  • Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen – $14.99, normally $29.99
  • Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection – $19.79, normally $29.99
  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – $11.99, normally $39.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise – $29.99, normally $59.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe Edition – $34.99, normally $69.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe Kit – $7.49, normally $14.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 1 – $14.99, normally $19.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 2 – $22.49, normally $29.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 3 – $18.74, normally $24.99
  • Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 4 – $18.74, normally $24.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin – $29.99, normally $59.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin All-In Extra Content Pack – $18.74, normally $24.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Deluxe Edition – $34.99, normally $69.99 Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Deluxe Kit – $7.49, normally $14.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Ena Outfit Bundle – $5.99, normally $7.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Navirou Outfit Bundle – $10.49, normally $13.99
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Rider Hairstyle Bundle – $2.99, normally $3.99
  • Okami HD – $9.99, normally $19.99
  • Onimusha: Warlords – $7.99, normally $19.99
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy – $14.99, normally $29.99
  • Resident Evil 0 – $12.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil – $12.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil 4 – $14.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil 5 – $14.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil 6 – $14.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil Revelations – $7.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil Revelations 2 – $7.99, normally $19.99
  • Shinsekai: Into the Depths – $14.99, normally $19.99
  • Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection – $11.99, normally $29.99
  • The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles – $24.79, normally $39.99
  • Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers – $19.99, normally $39.99
List of Nintendo Switch and 3DS games at Capcom 2022 Golden Week Sale

Liste des jeux Nintendo 3DS Golden Week :

  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney – $4.99, normally $19.99
  • Mega Man Legacy Collection – $4.99, normally $14.99
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – $4.99, normally $19.99
  • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – $4.99, normally $29.99
  • Monster Hunter Generations – $4.99, normally $39.99
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies – $4.99, normally $29.99
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice – $4.99, normally $29.99
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy – $11.99, normally $29.99
  • Resident Evil Revelations – $1.99, normally $19.99
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D – $1.99, normally $19.99
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – $4.99, normally $19.99


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